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Scuba Diving Forum

READ THIS POST BEFORE YOU POST ON SCUBA DIVING FORUMBefore you post anything on Scuba Diving Earth's discussion forum, read this. Or even before you register.1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: Read this first before you post an … · 11 months ago · childlearninG
ConservationLast post
Dive Against Plastic PollutionDiving against plastic pollution and all debris put into our oceans - Grab it and bin it!3 Topics · 5 PostsLast post: SCUBA Dive for FREE & Help the Tur … · 1 year ago · MaikaKomodoTour
General Scuba Diving ForumsLast post
IntroductionsTell us about yourself, where you dive and how you got into scuba diving4 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: Newbie · 4 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Beginner Scuba DiversThinking of learning to dive? Newly certified to scuba dive? Been out of the water for a while and looking for scuba diving tips before you get back into the water again?6 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: Your first scuba dive - mine was o … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Discussions - The Basics of Scuba DivingIf you have a basic scuba diving related question, post it here. For more technical or advanced questions, post these in the advanced and technical section of this forum6 Topics · 11 PostsLast post: Can you dive with a helmet and a s … · 4 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Discussions - Advanced and Technical Scuba Diving SkillsIf you have a more advanced or technical question, please post that here.4 Topics · 7 PostsLast post: Advantage and technical scuba dive · 2 years ago · CarterClarke
Solo and Singles Divers Bulletin Board for BuddiesIf you are looking for a dive buddy - post your message here. Give as much detail as you can1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Read this post before you post a d … · 4 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Travel ForumLast post
Scuba Diving The Red SeaDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in the Red Sea4 Topics · 5 PostsLast post: New dive site with military tanks … · 1 month ago · [email protected]
Scuba Diving Australia And The Great Barrier ReefDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in Australia and the Great Barrier Reef3 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: Cave diver in Australia finds anci … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving The MaldivesDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in the Maldives0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Scuba Diving IndonesiaDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in Indonesia2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Dewi Nusantara Raja Ampat special … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba LiveaboardQuestions, topics, discussions and more about scuba liveaboard trips2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Liveaboard vs resort diving which … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving The CaribbeanDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in the Caribbean. This includes Bonaire, Barbados, Antigua, Belize, The Bahamas, The Virgin Islands, Grenada, The Caymans and Cozumel, Mexico etc.4 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: Lionfish problem in the Caribbean … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving The USA, including Florida and CaliforniaDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in Florida1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Scuba diving the Florida Keys · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving Sipadan, MalaysiaDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in Sipadan0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Scuba Diving HawaiiDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in Hawaii0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Scuba Diving New ZealandDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in New Zealand1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Snorkeling in New Zealand · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving The UKDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in the UK2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Scuba diving with seahorses in the … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving The MediterraneanDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in the Mediterranean, including Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Majorca, Menorca, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Scuba diving in Xante · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving Africa, including South Africa and MozambiqueDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in Africa including South Africa and Mozambique2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Surrounded by hammerheads and I di … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving The NordicsDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving the Nordics including Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Scuba diving in the nordics like N … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving South AmericaDiscussions, tips, stories and more about scuba diving in South America, including Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, Honduras and Cost Rica1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Diving from Venezuela on Curaçao · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Types of Scuba Diving ForumLast post
Scuba Diving With SharksTell us about your stories and experiences diving with sharks1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: I love diving with sharks! · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving WrecksTells us about your experiences diving on wrecks around the world1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: My best wreck dive was on the This … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Diving With Whale SharksTell us about your experiences diving with whale sharks1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Swimming with whale sharks · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Scuba Diving With TurtlesTells us about your experience scuba diving with turtles2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Sea turtles can be grumpy · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Deep DivingTell us about your deep diving experiences3 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: The older you get the more cautiou … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
Night Diving ExperencesTell us about your night diving experiences4 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: How about a night dive as your ver … · 6 years ago · Russell Bowyer
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