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Scuba diving stories

Are There Great White Sharks In Hawaii? (White Shark Diving)

Hawaii has great white sharks visit during the months of January through to April, which is when the waters around Hawaii cool down to below 24°C (75°F). In the summer months great white sharks leave the Pacific waters of Hawaii, as they generally prefer water temperatures between 12-24°C (54-75°F).

Are There Great White Sharks In The Caribbean & The Gulf of Mexico?

There are great white sharks in the Caribbean and it’s thought they come to breed in the warm safe waters of the Gulf of Mexico. But the scientists are still researching why the largest predators of the oceans visit the Caribbean when they normally prefer cooler waters.

How To Deal With A Down Current And Not Panic (Escape The Abyss)

How you deal with a down current is to swim at a 45° upward angle away from the wall whilst adding air to your BCD as you swim. If this doesn’t work grab a stationary object to stabilise yourself. Use other objects to crawl to the surface or wait until you’re ready for another attempt at a swim to the surface.

How To Return a Found Gopro (Lost And Found GoPro)

How to return a found Gopro, either through the lost and found GoPro on their website, or alternatively by finding it yourself. If you’ve lost your GoPro whilst scuba diving, you may be unlucky. But this depends on where you’re diving and whether it’s got a floating device to bring it to the surface.

Gopro Lost In Ocean Scuba Diving Story That Ends Well (Because of Gopro Floaty Sick)

Story about a Gopro lost in the ocean but with a happy ending when it’s found. But it was the Gopro floaty stick that saved the day! “It had unhinged it self and floated to the surface with The floaty stick! 8 minutes it videoed itself being tumbled about in the waves before one of the crew on the boat saw it and retrieved it.” So the moral of this scuba diving story is to only use a Gopro when scuba diving with a floaty stick!

Scuba diving story of the recovery of the Junkers Jumo 211 (recovery of underwater artifacts)

This is a scuba diving story about the recovery of the Junkers Jumo 211 diesel engine by scuba diver Leslie Storace. This engine belonged to a German Luftwaffe bomber that crashed into the sea during World War II. Junkers Jumo 211 engine was mostly used in German bombers. Luftwaffe aircraft such as Junkers’ own Junkers Ju 87 and Junkers Ju 88 used this engine. More than 70,000 of the Junkers Jumo 211 engine were made during World War II.

Plastic pollution in the ocean (The facts about plastic pollution)

You may not know this, but bits of plastic have been found in almost every corner of the world…26 tons of plastic are dumped into our oceans each year. From the remotest of uninhabited islands to Antarctica and the deepest ocean trenches, including the Mariana Trench, you’ll find plastic pollution. The creatures of our oceans are being caught up in plastic too, which includes sea turtles, sharks, dolphins and seabirds. Plastic pollution in the ocean can be mistaken for food and it kills! Always remember that every river leads to the ocean.

Is A Whale Shark A Mammal Or A Fish? (Whale Shark Fun Facts)

Unlike the whales of our oceans, whale sharks are not mammals. Instead whale sharks belong to a group of fish known as cartilaginous fish and is not a mammal. It just so happens that the blue whale, which is a mammal, is the largest animal that’s ever lived on planet earth. Whereas the whale shark is the largest species of any fish. The Guinness Book of Records whale shark was 12.65 metres (42.5 feet) long.

Why Do The Great White Sharks Congregate Around Neptune Island?

Neptune Island shark diving is one of the 4 top spots in the world for great white sharks The Neptune Islands are off the coast of South Australia, not too far from Adelaide. If you’re interest in why great white sharks congregate around Neptune Island to cage dive there, the place to go is Port […]

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