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My best wreck dive was on the Thistlegorm wreck

My favourite wreck is the Thistlegorm in the Red Sea. There are few reasons why like this wreck include the fact that it’s in ‘blue water’ which means it warm and in good visibility.

Most of the wrecks I’ve dived on in the U.K. are in dark murky water, which has been cold. You dive from the surface and only see the wreck when you’re a few feet from it.

But in the Red Sea, which is where the Thistlegorm is, you can see the wreck from the surface. When you’re diving on it, you can see the whole wreck too, which is what I personally prefer.

I also love diving the Thistlegorm because of the abundance of fish life there. Plus it’s a really interesting wreck with many of the artifacts still with the wreck from when it was sunk in the Second World War by a German U-boat.

There’s a tank next to the wreck on the sea bed, there’s a motorbike there and boxes of rifles you can see too.

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